Beaches Brew, the free festival event curated by the Bronson Cultural Association with team members from Italy, Holland and the United States, has wrapped on another special edition. Bringing the most innovative sounds from all corners of the planet and always looking towards the future, we were proud to host 21 artists and thousands of visitors from 15 countries, including Uganda, Indonesia, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Turkey, France, and the United Kingdom. Together with the artists, the great protagonists of Beaches Brew 2022 were the community of festival goers, who returned to the sandy dunes of Hana-Bi to celebrate the joys of sharing music with one another; an audience that, after two years of forced closures due to the pandemic, has once again given life–through listening and movement–to this extraordinary and collective rite, one that is peaceful, and without borders.
"We titled this year’s festival Lost in Transitions, and now we can admit that we did this because we really weren’t sure if the world of live music that we once knew so well would be lost forever,” says Chris Angiolini, Beaches Brew’s Artistic Director. For the festival & venue staff, the number of people who came to enjoy Beaches Brew 2022 –an estimation of roughly 12,000 total admissions–means much more than being satisfied with the high attendance; it confirms that Beaches Brew is back, and that we can continue to grow.
The festival–always free, and with constant attention to platforming and engaging with environmental issues–was made possible by the essential support of the Comune Di Ravenna - Assessorato alla Cultura, of the Regione Emilia-Romagna and Turismo Emilia-Romagna, along with primary sponsors Ales & Co., BrewDog, Stone Brewing, Randi Vini, and Estados Cafè, as well as festival partners Confesercenti Ravenna-Cesena, Cooperativa Spiagge Ravenna, Club del Sole, Gradisca Spirits, Cuzziol Craft, Pro Loco Marina di Ravenna, and Garage Sale Ravenna. Special thanks to the MAR - Museum of Art of the City of Ravenna for inviting us to its space, and to media partners Radio3 Rai, Zero, and Radio Raheem.
The 10th anniversary edition of Beaches Brew is scheduled for June 2023! Keep an eye out for the dates at www.beachesbrew.com.